It’s time to renew!

Become a member today and enjoy benefits and rewards from as little as just $10 per year!

  • Swipe your card every day you enter the Club and receive 10 bonus points

  • Exclusive member discounts at the bar

  • Gain entry to exclusive member promotions

  • Earn points when you swipe your card with purchase at the bar, Southside Kitchen and the Bowls Shop

  • Redeem your points at the bar, Southside Kitchen, the Bowls Shop or renew your membership using your points

  • Celebrate you! Receive a free beer, wine or soft drink in your birthday month!

  • Claim courtesy Taxi Voucher to travel to and from your club.

Apply online now!

Membership Categories

Prepaid Bowling Membership

Entitled to all member privileges including the opportunity to be elected to the Board of Management and further nominate persons for the Board of Management. This membership category covers your membership and all green fees, Club Competition entry fees and State Event entry fees for the membership year. This means you can play unlimited social bowls, Club Championships and State Events and you never have to pay any extra! One Year Only (a processing fee will be added to the payment)

Junior Bowling Membership

Entitled to play bowls at the Club. Junior members are not permitted to attend or vote at meetings of the Club or hold any position on the Board of Management. One Year Only

Social Membership
from $10.00

Entitled to all member privileges including attending and voting at Club Ltd ordinary meetings.